What is link building? In short, link building is essentially the process of obtaining other sites to link to you, and it is very important to the overall success of your SEO campaign.

To start out with a good link building campaign, you will need to produce quality, relevant content related to the niche that you are promoting. This is a very good idea for all types of businesses. Link building is a great way to generate additional website traffic, as this type of activity will result in more people visiting your site. If you do not provide any value to people, then you are not going to make much money online.
A number of link building examples can be found on the internet. However, before doing this, be sure to research several different methods of link building. These include writing articles, submitting them to article directories, submitting them to social networking sites such as Facebook, twitter, MySpace, or Squidoo. If you have any experience in these types of activities, you will find them to be very easy to do. The reason why they work so well is because there are numerous sites that require that you submit your articles to them, as well as submitting them to a social networking site, so you will be in constant contact with these sites.
Another type of link building example is to write articles for your own website. This is another great idea, as you will be able to make an in-depth analysis of your own website, as well as your products and services. This type of activity will help you establish your reputation on the internet. There are many link builders out there that will allow you to easily create articles that will be submitted to the various sites, as well as search engines like Google, MSN, Yahoo, or Ask Jeeves.
You should also consider writing articles for your own webpage. Many people these days are starting their own businesses, which allows you to make money by writing about your products and services and placing them on your own website.
Another form of link building is posting links on forums and blogs. The main problem with this is that the information that you post on these sites can be removed, as many sites delete links from their site as they become aware of them. If you want to use forums and blogs as a source for linking, you will need to be very active in these sites, otherwise you could end up getting banned from them. Once you are banned from these places, you cannot even go to them again.
One of the more popular types of link building that is used these days is pay per click advertising. This is also known as affiliate advertising, as well as it involves getting others to pay for your link. You will be required to place advertisements on their websites in exchange for them putting your link on their site. The amount of advertising you place on the website will depend on how much you are willing to pay. Usually, they will require a payment for each advertisement that you place, however if you plan on placing a lot, then you can make a lot of money.
All in all, it does not matter how much you spend on a marketing campaign, as long as you are able to make sales. It is always a good idea to find some type of link builder, but it will not make your campaign successful unless you create quality links and content.
Here are some link building examples: